厳海忠 YAN Haizhong - グランドオール法律事务所は

厳海忠 YAN Haizhong

Practice Areas

  • Foreign Direct Investment
  • Overseas Investment
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Anti-dumping & Anti-trust

Professional experience

  • Mr. Yan has provided legal service for dozens of foreign companies (mostly Japanese companies) in M&A cases in China and foreign investment projects;
  • Mr. Yan has advised dozens of foreign companies (mostly Japanese companies) in the reorganization and withdrawal of the invested companies;
  • Mr. Yan has acted as external adviser for many companies by providing legal service in compliance training, and investigation into employees’ violations;
  • Mr. Yan has represented clients in various civil and commercial litigations and arbitration proceedings with respect to IP Rights, equity, labor issues, and sales and purchase contract disputes;
  • Mr. Yan has assisted clients in Declaration of the Concentrations between Undertakings, anti-dumping investigations, commercial bribery investigations, and recall of products;
  • Mr. Yan has been retained as permanent legal counsel for dozens of foreign-owned companies.

Work experience

  • Partner, Grandall Law Firm (Shanghai)
  • Partner, Shanghai Jianhai Law Firm
  • Chinese Law Counsel (based in Tokyo, Japan), URYU & ITOGA LAW P.C.
  • Associate, Shanghai Shimin Law Firm


  • LL.B., Fudan University


  • Chinese/Japanese/English

お问合せ: グループ本部 北京オフィス 上海オフィス 深センオフィス 杭州オフィス 広州オフィス 昆明オフィス 天津オフィス 成都オフィス 宁波オフィス 福州オフィス 西安オフィス 南京オフィス 南宁オフィス 済南オフィス 重庆オフィス 苏州オフィス 长沙オフィス 太原オフィス 武汉オフィス 贵阳オフィス 乌鲁木斉オフィス 郑州オフィス 石家庄オフィス 合肥オフィス 海南オフィス 青岛オフィス 香港オフィス パリオフィス マドリッドオフィス シリコンバレーオフィス ストックホルムオフィス ニューヨークオフィス