李源 LI Yuan - グランドオール法律事务所は

李源 LI Yuan

  • Edu:LL.B, Visiting Scholar of ILI
  • E-mail:liyuanjn@grandall.com.cn
  • 拠点:済南オフィス
  • Tel:+86 0531 66599909
  • Fax:+86 0531 86110945
Practice Areas

  • Civil & Commercial Litigation & Arbitration Involving Company, Contract, Finance, Real Estate, Etc.
  • Company Restructuring & Listing
  • Investment
  • Company M&A
  • Non-litigation Practices Involving Capital Operation Projects

Professional experience

  • Litigation & arbitration concerning finance, company and real estate: representing Jinan Branch of Bank of Communications, Jinan Branch of CITIC Industrial Bank, Jinan Office of China Cinda Asset Co., Ltd., Qingdao Office of China Oriental Asset Management Co., Ltd., Bohai Group Co., Ltd., Yantai Hualian Development Group Co., Ltd., South Korea Shanglida Import and Export Output Port Commune, Shandong Luxin International Economics Company Co., Ltd., Shandong Dayu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Shandong Provincial Sports Lottery Management Center, Qilu Securities Co., Ltd., Jinan Branch of the Bank of Rizhao Co., Ltd., Jinan Branch of Evergrowing Bank Co., Ltd. and many other enterprises and institutions in their respective litigation and arbitration cases;
  • Non-litigation service concerning company M&A, investment and financing, restructuring and listing: offering legal opinions for Sanlian Commercial Co., Ltd. in respect of equity transfer, offering lawyer’s certification for Shandong Hi-speed Group Co., Ltd. in respect of the verification of its assets and capitals, advising Shandong Wantai Textile Co., Ltd. for its equity restructuring, advising Orica Australia Pty Ltd. for its asset investigation, advising Jinan Defeng United Economy & Trade Development Co., Ltd. for its disposition of non-performing asset, advising Heze Investment & Development Co., Ltd. for offering of its corporate bonds, and advising Shandong Rushan Victoria Bay Tourism Development Co., Ltd. for offering of its corporate bonds;
  • Legal adviser for enterprises and public institutions: acting as perennial legal adviser for many enterprises and public institutions including Shandong Branch of the People's Daily, China Mobile Communications Group (Shandong) Co., Ltd., Shandong Water Conservancy Survey and Design Institute, Jinan Branch of Bank of Rizhao Co., Ltd., Qilu Securities Co., Ltd., Shandong Qilu Software Park, Shandong Luxin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Shandong Huawen Co., Ltd., and Shandong Yongxing Group Co., Ltd.

Work experience

  • Partner, Grandall Law Firm (Jinan)
  • Associate, Beijing Huatang Law Firm (Jinan)


  • LL.B, Northwest University of Political Science & Law
  • Visiting Scholar, "Advanced Legal Service Personnel for International Trade Friction Dispute Resolution" project by American Society of International Law (ILI) in 2013

Professional affiliations

  • Member, Shandong Legal Service Group Tackling International Trade Friction
  • Visiting Professor, Shandong Urban Construction Vocational College


  • Chinese/English

お问合せ: グループ本部 北京オフィス 上海オフィス 深センオフィス 杭州オフィス 広州オフィス 昆明オフィス 天津オフィス 成都オフィス 宁波オフィス 福州オフィス 西安オフィス 南京オフィス 南宁オフィス 済南オフィス 重庆オフィス 苏州オフィス 长沙オフィス 太原オフィス 武汉オフィス 贵阳オフィス 乌鲁木斉オフィス 郑州オフィス 石家庄オフィス 合肥オフィス 海南オフィス 青岛オフィス 香港オフィス パリオフィス マドリッドオフィス シリコンバレーオフィス ストックホルムオフィス ニューヨークオフィス