成燕 CHENG Yan - グランドオール法律事务所は

成燕 CHENG Yan

  • 职位:Managing Partner
  • Edu:LL.M.
  • E-mail:chengyan@grandall.com.cn
  • 拠点:成都オフィス
  • Tel:028-8611 9823
  • Fax:028-8611 9827
Practice Areas

  • Bankruptcy & Liquidation
  • Corporate Reform
  • Finance

Professional experience

  • - acting as legal counsel for dozens of government agencies or state-owned enterprises, including State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Chengdu Municipal Government, Administration Bureau of Chengdu Government Agencies, Chengdu Audit Bureau, Chengdu Culture Bureau, Chengdu Hospital Bureau, Chengdu Grain Bureau, Chengdu Public Transport Group Co., Ltd., Sichuan Provincial Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., Sichuan No. 1 Automobile Trading Company, Sichuan 3H Firefighting Co., Ltd., Chengdu Wuhou District Supply and Sales Company and China Reform Paper;
  • - representing clients in numerous litigation and non-litigation cases;
  • - offering legal service to Sichuan Boiler Plant and Chengdu State-owned Assets Investment and Operation Company in their respective bankruptcy and liquidation cases, and to Sichuan Provincial Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Wuhou District Supply and Sales Company in their respective corporate reform, reorganization cases and draft of and negotiation for material contracts.

Work experience

  • Partner, Grandall Law Firm (Chengdu)
  • Managing Partner, Sichuan Sifangda Law Firm


  • Law School of Southwest University of Political Science and Law

Professional affiliations

  • Delegate, 9th Women's Congress, Sichuan Province

Title of honor

  • Excellent Lawyer of Chengdu in 1999


  • Chinese/English

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