刘継 LIU Ji (Jeff) - グランドオール法律事务所は

刘継 LIU Ji (Jeff)

  • Edu:Doctoral Student
  • E-mail:liuji@grandall.com.cn
  • 拠点:北京オフィス
  • Tel:(+86)(10) 6589 0699 ext 619 D: (+86)(10) 6589 0619 / 6517 9586
  • Fax:F: (+86)(10) 6589 0799 / 6517 6800 / 6517 6801
Practice Areas

  • Funds and Securities
  • Finance and Insurance
  • International Transaction
  • Corporate, M&A & Restructuring
  • Commercial Litigation and Arbitration

Professional experience

  • Funds:
  • Mr. Liu has provided legal services for various funds and FMCs, notably, National Social Security Fund, Shipping Industrial Fund, BJ Carlyle RMB Fund, IDG RMB Fund, Sino-Swiss Partnership Fund, H&Q RMB Fund, Harvest FMC, Cypress Capital Group relating to establishment of funds, fund custody, investments, and other major issues revolving around funds.
  • Finance:
  • Mr. Liu has served numerous banks including China Development Bank and China CITIC Bank in respect of loans amounted to billions Yuan. The material cases of loans include but not limited to the following: Huawei’s export buyer’s credit amounted to USD ten billion dollars, International Syndicate Loans amounted to USD 1.4 billion dollars for the Angola Project of Sinopec, and Packaged Project Loan amounted to RMB fifty billion Yuan of Shandong Province.
  • Bonds:
  • Mr. Liu has provided legal services for numerous enterprises such as the CITIC Securities, China Merchants Bank, DanDong Port, China Nonferrous Metal Mining, Tianjin Binhai New Area Construction and Investment, Shanghai Electric Financial Company and Taikang AMC relating to the issuing and listing of financial bonds, enterprise bonds, collective bonds, company bonds, medium term note, short-term financing bonds and bond investment plan.
  • Investment and M&A:
  • Mr. Liu has provided legal services for National Council for Social Security Fund to invest into banks like ABC, NDB, ICBC, American Federal Express purchasing Tianjin Datian Express, Deutsch AMC's equity investment to Harvest FMC, Barclays Capital's equity investment to NCT, Bairui Fund's equity investment to Hairun Media, MBK purchasing Jinzhou Environment, Henderson Capital's Investment to Shenyang Hongyao, Alibaba's investment into Xincheng Express, SAFE LP's investment to Vienna Hotels and the East-Tile Grid purchasing of aircraft carrier.
  • Other Notable Cases:
  • Representing "Shanghai Real Estate" receiver Ernst & Young in taking over onshore financial assets of more than 10mil, acted on behalf of Chongqing Construction and Investment in the appeal against a bank and won an award of 555mil Yuan.

Work experience

  • Partner, Grandall Law Firm, Beijing
  • Global Partner, De Heng Law Offices, Beijing
  • Lecturer, University of Aarhus, Denmark
  • Visiting Professor, University of Padua, Italy
  • Lecturer, Renmin University of China


  • ? China University of Political Science and Law, Doctoral Student
  • ? Renmin University of China, Masters
  • ? Sichuan University, Bachelor

Professional affiliations

  • Independent Committee of the National Development Bank, Member
  • "Hi-Tech Industrial and Venture Fund" of the National Development and Planning Committee, Member
  • State-Owned Restructuring and Industrial Fund, Member
  • State Council Major Accident Investigation Specialists Group to Investigate the Three Georges Accident, Legal Expert

Academic achievements

  • Venture Capital of USA and Relevant Laws and Regulations
  • Series of Laws and Regulations of Foreign Real Estate (China Only)
  • Value and Valuation
  • Fear and Trembling (Furcht und Zittern)
  • One Dimensional Man
  • Criticism of Frankfort School on Positivism


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